
What Is A Community Based Residential Services For Idd Program

Home- and Community-Based Services (HCBS) are types of person-centered care delivered in the home and community. A variety of health and human services can be provided. HCBS programs address the needs of people with functional limitations who need assistance with everyday activities, similar getting dressed or bathing. HCBS are often designed to enable people to stay in their homes, rather than moving to a facility for care.

HCBS programs generally autumn into two categories: health services and homo services. HCBS programs may offer a combination of both types of services and do not necessarily offer all services from either category.

Types of HCBS Care

Wellness Services meet medical needs

  • Domicile health intendance, such as:
    • Skilled nursing care
    • Therapies: Occupational, speech, and physical
    • Dietary management by registered dietician
    • Chemist's shop
  • Durable medical equipment
  • Example direction
  • Personal care
  • Caregiver and customer preparation
  • Health promotion and disease prevention
  • Hospice care (comfort care for patients probable to dice from their medical conditions)

Human Services support daily living

  • Senior centers
  • Developed daycares
  • Congregate meal sites
  • Home-delivered meal programs
  • Personal care (dressing, bathing, toileting,eating, transferring to or from a bed or chair, etc.)
  • Transportation and access
  • Home repairs and modifications
  • Domicile safety assessments
  • Homemaker and chore services
  • Information and referral services
  • Financial services
  • Legal services, such as help preparing a will
  • Telephone reassurance

Creating and maintaining an HCBS program benefits the customs and the individuals served in many means. However, at that place are several challenges to consider that come up along with this type of programme.

Benefits and Challenges of HCBS


  • Cost effectiveness: usually less than half the cost of residential care
  • Culturally responsive: spiritual and cultural activities and back up available
  • Familiarity: patient enjoys the comfort of their own home or small-scale residential facility in the community
  • Can provide counseling or clergy to assist with bereavement
  • Some waivers permit family members to be paid caregivers


  • Access to providers
  • Availability of qualified caregivers
  • Caregiver burnout
  • Lack of 24/7 medical professional person availability
  • Nonfamily caregivers may take limited admission in remote locations, particularly during winter
  • Potential cultural bias or barriers in the vigil assessment process
  • Skilled nursing care includes only medical services performed by a registered nurse. Other daily tasks autumn primarily to family unit members
  • Those needing care exercise not always want family members to human action as their caregivers due to potential for corruption or fiscal manipulation
  • Tribes need to consummate processes that are often long and complex, such as creating an elder abuse code or establishing a memorandum of understanding with the country, to create an HCBS program

Learn more near HCBS at

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is Eligible for HCBS?

Eligibility varies by state. See the State Resources Map to learn more.

Who Funds HCBS?

HCBS programs are oft funded past country waivers. Waivers are part of a state'south Medicaid programme, but they provide a special grouping of services to a certain population. Waivers usually crave medical and financial eligibility, but country waiver eligibility requirements may non exist exactly the aforementioned as country Medicaid eligibility. Other funders for HCBS might include your tribe or individual long-term intendance insurance held past your patients.


Check these resources for more than information on funding for HCBS:

  • Medicare Special Needs Plans may embrace people who receive nursing care as function of the home-based services they need. Learn more than near these plans and how they work.
  • Read an overview of HCBS waivers at
  • Acquire more about using state waivers as a manner to fund LTSS.

Who Runs HCBS Programs?

Within private states, HCBS intendance is provided by pb agencies and other service providers. A lead agency acts every bit the master care coordinator for its region—for example, a county's department of human and social services. A tribe tin apply with its country to become a lead agency, based on state eligibility requirements.

Service providers contract with the lead agency in their expanse to provide services. If a tribe is non a lead agency, it will contract with the appropriate county, land, or managed care organization in its region to provide services and coordinate care.

To more fully access Medicaid and state HCBS, the Oneida Nation became the lead agency for a state waiver. Read their story.

Learn More About HCBS

The HCBS model can include many kinds of programs and types of intendance. For tribes just beginning to provide LTSS in their communities, or tribes who practise not have the resources to consider facility-based care, HCBS tin can be a expert place to offset.

There are many possible approaches for your plan, and many means that programs tin partner together to provide a wider range of services to their communities.

Special HCBS Programs

CMS offers several national programs that tin can support certain types of HCBS in tribal communities:

Programme of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly (Pace) combines many services into 1 comprehensive program and often combines Medicare and Medicaid eligibility.

Money Follows the Person (MFP) Rebalancing Demonstration Grant includes a tribal initiative that focuses on building HCBS specifically in Indian Country.

Examples in Indian Country

There are many examples of successful HCBS programs in Indian Country. Check out some of these resource to see what other programs are doing:

  • Watch Tanana Chiefs Conference Customs Health Outreach Program-a video contour on HCBS in rural villages in the Alaskan interior.
  • View Chickasaw Nation Elder Health Programs-a webinar on the holistic HCBS programs provided by Chickasaw Nation to support quality of life for elders.
  • Watch Phoenix Native Wellness-a video profile on an urban Indian health program that provides HCBS to over 300 tribes.
  • Read a profile page on the network of HCBS offered by Zuni Pueblo through a variety of partnering agencies.
  • Learn about the Cherokee Nation'southward successful Pace program.
  • Read Long-Term Services and Supports in Indian Country: Issues Affecting American Indians and Alaska Native Consumers with Disabilities (PDF)-a report containing many helpful program examples.
  • Read Supporting American Indian and Alaska Native People in the Community: Opportunities for Home- and Community-Based Services in Indian Country. (PDF)

Transitional Intendance

Transitional intendance is the process of maintaining quality of intendance while elders and persons with disabilities transition to or from hospital or nursing home facilities and residential or home settings.

The purpose of transitional care is to forbid gaps in care for an private moving from one care system to another to ensure the transfer is successful. The procedure includes a review of the person'south health status, medication management, and follow-upwards care.

Transitional care occupies an increasingly important role equally HCBS becomes the LTSS commitment mechanism of choice.

At that place are several testify-based models to support intendance transitions, including:

  • Meliorate Outcomes for Older Adults through Rubber Transitions (BOOST)
  • The Bridge Model
  • Care Transitions Intervention (CTI, or "Coleman Model")
  • Geriatric Resources for Assessment and Intendance of Elders (GRACE)
  • Guided Care®

Transitional Care Resources

To learn more than well-nigh options for providing transitional care, check out these additional resources:

Home-based Care for Makah Tribe Elders

Domicile-based Care for Makah Tribe Elders


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